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A Beginner’s Guide to Being Bipolar

I’m so proud to publish this collection of insights gained on my journey. 

From Chapter 1: “Welcome to the Family,” to Chapter 6: “Make a Plan,” this book teaches readers what to expect after being diagnosed with bipolar disorder (hint: expect the unexpected); how to remedy grief (hint: with science); and why it’s important to commit to self-reflection (hint: maps tend to facilitate journeys).

For those who have an ‘advanced’ degree in bipolar, it offers a fresh philosophy on life including new ideas about meditation, authenticity, self-care, neurochemistry, and more.

There’s even a chapter that directly speaks to our friends, family and loved ones — Chapter 7: “This One’s for the Allies” includes links to relevant sources as well as translative explanations of the bipolar experience for people with ‘normal’ brain chemistry. 

Dozens of citations (which are live links in digital versions) provide a full introductory course of study for anyone interested in learning more about bipolar. 

I hope that readers will enjoy my friendly, engaging, and well-researched tour through the labyrinth of bipolar life — and maybe even emerge with an empowered outlook.

Paperback: $18.99 on Amazon

E-book: $8.99 on Amazon

E-reader optimized edition: $8.99 on  Amazon and Barnes and Noble

About the Artist:


My talented friend and former colleague, Christopher Davis, created the beautiful art in this book. His lively originals are acrylic on canvas and have been featured in art shows throughout the South. My favorite piece (which is on the cover, of course!) was commissioned by one of his loyal clients... and for the record, I am quite jealous of them. Chris was kind enough to allow me to feature his work in a different (digital) medium for this project. Special thanks to Chris!

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